New SITE TPACK SIG Leadership

At the 2017 SITE conference, the TPACK Special Interest Group (SIG) thanked Josh Rosenberg for his excellent leadership and service during his 2-year term as co-chair of the SIG. The SIG also welcomed the new co-chair Teresa Seat Foulger, who will work with the existing co-chair Mamta Shah to guide TPACK related activities for SITE

New TPACK articles on Mendeley

Two new TPACK articles have been tagged in the TPACK bibliography on Mendeley: Yeh, Y. F., Hsu, Y. S., Wu, H. K., & Chien, S. P. (2017). Exploring the structure of TPACK with video-embedded and discipline-focused assessments. Computers and Education, 104, 49-64. Elsevier Ltd. ABSTRACT: The appropriate selection and implementation of technology in instruction is

Welcome to the new website

The website has been significantly redesigned in order to make the site more usable, and accessible to all. Some highlights of new site design: Accounts are no longer needed – everything is available to everyone Comments, including questions and answers are done using Facebook comments Find the resources you want using the menu at

Participants Needed for TPACK Diagnostic Tool Case Study

AACTE’s Committee on Innovation and Technology seeks participants to pilot a recently developed formative diagnostic tool designed for self-reflection and guidance for educational leaders as they develop technology-rich models for teacher candidates to successfully become 21st-century educators. The diagnostic tool serves as an opportunity to examine current practices and help develop realistic goals for program and Social Media

The community of teachers, researchers, and others interested in TPACK is diverse and growing. There are a number of ways to interact with others about TPACK. In this post, we highlight four of the ways – 1) Facebook, 2) Twitter, 3) Mendeley, and 4) sections of the site – in which is involved

Welcome to the new TPACK website

There have been some big changes to the TPACK website, designed to make more community centered. In the new TPACK website, there are three main sections: The Quick Links – The image, the bibliography, and what is TPACK – the things everyone wants quick access to. There will be links to these above, and